> 齐鲁百科 > fabulous香水价格


前言:Victoria's Secret 香水 Fabulous价位多少Victoria`s Secret——Fabulous,花香型果味调的女用香水。 2013年推出。 前调是杏, 橘子, 紫罗兰叶 和 红醋栗; 中调是桂花, 铃兰, 沙巴茉莉 和 粉色小苍兰;

Victoria's Secret 香水 Fabulous价位多少

Victoria`s Secret——Fabulous,花香型果味调的女用香水。 2013年推出。 前调是杏, 橘子, 紫罗兰叶 和 红醋栗; 中调是桂花, 铃兰, 沙巴茉莉 和 粉色小苍兰; 基调是澳大利亚檀木, 麝香, 安息香, 香草 和 生奶油. 正常价格正装75ml不超过350,它家...

巴宝莉 香水英语介绍



品牌介绍: This is a popular British design house started by Thomas Burberry in 1856. This house presented themselves with wardrobe and fashion accessories in the beginning. The brand's unique and recognizable motive became one...




擦错香水的女人是没有未来的。9. Fashion is not only a matter of clothing.时尚并不仅仅是穿衣服”。10. Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only.时尚不只存在于裙子上,可以在空中,也可以在街上。


DKNY 是著名女士香水牌子, 你去sasa莎莎, 卓悦便有得买. PREFERRED,FRAGRANCE,FABULOUS,DELICIOUS NIGHT = 独特, 芬芳, 难以形容, 美味, 晚上专用


Perfume smell pure, fresh and free from vulgarity, simple and elegant. Its fragrance is unparalleled. It fully incited the body, awakens the sense and awakens spirit and so on. It brings comprehensive sublimation for advocating...


Tom Tykwer adapts Patrick Süskind"s bestselling novel about an 18th century French psychopath with a superhuman sense of smell A German director, adapting a German novel set in France, with actors speaking English, plus extensi...


Perfume smell pure,fresh and free from vulgarity,simple and elegant.Its fragrance is unparalleled.It fully incited the body,awakens the sense and awakens spirit and so on. It brings comprehensive sublimation for advocating natu...


30 Days: Straight Man in a Gay World / 30天:直男在同志世界中的生活3 Steps to Heaven /三步上天堂50 Ways of Saying Fabulous / 50种说美妙的方式A开头 Anatomie de l'enfer /地狱解剖/ Anatomy Of Hell A ...

你倒不如用一种方式问问你朋友香水在哪里买的 例如说有同事喜欢 问问在哪里买的之类的 既然是从香港带回来的香水 我觉得一般不会带假香水 香港也很少有得卖假香水 那些化妆品连锁店满大街都是 香水在香港来说一点都不贵 最便宜一百多就有一瓶了 ...
