> 春节2024 > 过年了还要出门上班吗英文




How to say \"just finished work after Chinese New Year\" in English? It seems that you made a mistake in your Chinese sentence. Analyze your sentence again - \"刚过完春节上班\" means that you are already working, and \"刚\" describes the past Chinese New Year. So, you should use the present perfect tense.

What is the English phrase for \"新年就要到了\"? Please respond in the present continuous tense!

New year is approaching.

English phrases about Spring Festival

Phrases: \"The Spring Festival\" and \"Chinese New Year\". Expanding on this topic, here\'s an example sentence: \"It is about the Spring Festival.\"

How to say \"在新年\" in English?

The English translation for \"在新年\" is \"On New Year.\"

When is Spring Festival this year? How to ask in English?

When is the Spring Festival this year?

English translation: \"临近过年的时候,家里会做一些准备工作,打扫卫生,操...\"

As Chinese New Year is approaching, families will engage in various preparations like cleaning and making arrangements.

Write an English essay about Spring Festival. Urgent!

Spring Festival is a traditional festival with many customs and traditions. It is widely celebrated in China. One of the main traditions is cleaning the house thoroughly to sweep away bad luck.

And exchanging blessings with each other. In the evening, the whole family gathers to have a reunion dinner and eat dumplings...

Chinese Spring Festival is the most important Festival in China. On this day, people hang up pictures and couplets as decorations, and the whole family reunites to have a festive dinner, including delicious dumplings.

It is obvious that the Spring Festival is the most important day of the year. It usually takes place in February...

Obviously, the Spring Festival is the most important day of the year. It usually falls in February. During this time, families come together to celebrate, exchange greetings, and enjoy festive activities.

How to write \"春节快要到了\" in English? How to express \"春节快要到了\" in English?

Spring Festival is coming soon.